Ladies! We are proud to announce that this week we will be apart of the Fremont First Friday Art Walk....
This week is a little special for us because we will be offering a 15% discount on everything in the store in conjunction with the First Friday + Fashion Night. All of the best stores in Fremont will be participating, including:
*Bellefleur Lingerie
*Burnt Sugar
*The Industry
*Kimberly Baker Jewelry
*Lamb's Ear Shoes
*Les Amis
*Lola Pop
It's yet another opportunity for you to get your gorgeous self on down to Fremont and experience all of the amazing shopping this neighborhood has to offer. It's a veritable untapped resource in our city and now you can experience it with a little bit of booze and a discount! And, of course, you can experience the rest of the Fremont First Friday experience i.e. good food, amazing art, and fabulous shopping. Again, what more could a sassy lass or lad like yourself ask for?
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 5-8 PM. (Yes, that does mean we will be open an extra 2 hours...)
Remember to check out our website for your favorites and there are a ton of new pieces in the store for you to check out as well.
Be there or be square!