Kimberly Baker Jewelry is located at 617 N. 36th Street in the Fremont neighborhood of Seattle, WA. 206.545.1145
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
First Friday Shopping Night.
Ladies! We are proud to announce that this week we will be apart of the Fremont First Friday Art Walk....
This week is a little special for us because we will be offering a 15% discount on everything in the store in conjunction with the First Friday + Fashion Night. All of the best stores in Fremont will be participating, including:
*Bellefleur Lingerie
*Burnt Sugar
*The Industry
*Kimberly Baker Jewelry
*Lamb's Ear Shoes
*Les Amis
*Lola Pop
It's yet another opportunity for you to get your gorgeous self on down to Fremont and experience all of the amazing shopping this neighborhood has to offer. It's a veritable untapped resource in our city and now you can experience it with a little bit of booze and a discount! And, of course, you can experience the rest of the Fremont First Friday experience i.e. good food, amazing art, and fabulous shopping. Again, what more could a sassy lass or lad like yourself ask for?
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 5-8 PM. (Yes, that does mean we will be open an extra 2 hours...)
Remember to check out our website for your favorites and there are a ton of new pieces in the store for you to check out as well.
Be there or be square!