Oh man! It's been a really awesome week here at Kimberly Baker Jewelry. The Seattle Weekly's Best of Seattle issue hit the stands on Wednesday and we were bestowed with the honor of being Seattle's Best Local Indie Jewelry Designer. Yippee! Below is a scan of the article with a nice interview with Kim. If you haven't already, pick up the issue. Not only are we featured in it, but it's jam packed with other goodies from our area. Also, if you're not a Seattle resident, you can check it out on their website.
Kim also just returned from her jaunt to Portland for Le Train Bleu's trunk show. She reported back that it was a great success and loads of fun! I wish I was there to document the whole fete but alas..we can only imagine how much fun was had by all. Kim's away again this week checking out the scene at Market (a super important trade show), doing some much-needed shopping (so jealous!), and surviving in some serious sweltering weather (so not jealous!) I can just imagine Kim right now waltzing around the Lower East Side decked out with all of her jewels and being spotted by all the important people! Can't wait to get a full report.
And in other super fabulous news, it looks as if Kimberly Baker's Jewelry will be making a few guest appearances on a new fall show sure to be the best thing ever! Rumor has it that our jewelry will be adorned by a certain fabulous new starlet on a show that I, personally, can't wait for! More details to come...
OOOOH! And finally, we have some new pieces that I will post pictures and prices of later today. If you loved the lazercut earrings i.e. Lidia, Lexi, and Heidi, you will love these new little guys!
Woot! I'm out.